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Articles from the Hour of Power's monthly publication called, Powerlines. To see the PDF version or to view older issues you can visit the Powerlines archive.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nick Vujicic: The Blessing of an Extraordinary Life

Nick Vujicic's motto is "No arms. No legs. No worries!"

Born without limbs, Nick has achieved the seemingly impossible in his brief 25 years. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given Nick the strength to rise above what others might call impossible.

As a child growing up in Australia, Nick could not attend a mainstream school because of his physical disability, but God gave his mother the strength to fight, and the law was changed. Though Nick liked school, he often experienced rejection and cruelty because of his physical difference. "It was hard," Nick admits, "but with the support of my parents, I developed attitudes and values that helped me overcome those challenges."

Today, Nick has an unquenchable passion to share through his ministry (lifewithoutlimbs.org) the hope and genuine love he has experienced. "God has used me in countless schools, churches, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, stadiums, and individual encounters to let people know how very precious they are to him." Nick has told more than two million people in over 19 nations that "God took my life-one that others might regard as having no significance, filled me with his purpose, and showed me his plans to move hearts and lives toward him. Like me, God can help you overcome your life challenges, too." Nick Vujicic believes that if you have the passion to do something and if it's God's will, you will achieve it in good time. For example, Nick enjoys "normal" pursuits such as swimming, music, and fishing. But, how do you fish if you don't have arms? With a fishing rod with an electronic reel!

"As humans, we continually put limits on ourselves for no reason," Nick observes. "What's worse is that we put limits on God who can do all things. Instead of focusing on our capability, we need to concentrate on our availability and God's ability."

In late 2007, Nick depended on the Lord's ability to create a way for him to reach the maximum number of people, and the way was realized in part this year when Dr. Schuller invited him to be one of America's Positive Television pastors on the Hour of Power. Nick's optimistic approach, outgoing personality, and exuberant love for God resonated not only with Dr. Schuller but also with Hour of Power viewers who created quite a "buzz" on hourofpower.org following his March 15th message. Be sure to tune in to experience the blessing of this extraordinary life when Nick returns to the Hour of Power on July 12.