
Crystal Cathedral

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Articles from the Hour of Power's monthly publication called, Powerlines. To see the PDF version or to view older issues you can visit the Powerlines archive.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eagles Club: Saving Lives Through the Hour of Power

Before going on air on a morning talk show in Boston recently, the show's host told Sheila Schuller Coleman, "I remember being a small girl sitting on my parent's lap in the living room watching the Hour of Power every Sunday morning. Your father's positive message meant the world to my parents and my family. Thank you."

"You saved my life," an anonymous Hour of Power viewer writes. "I am an incest survivor. As I was going into therapy, I tuned in to your church service. Its positive message of hope got me through the difficult process of healing many traumatic childhood memories and restoring my soul and spirit."

As the televised Hour of Power celebrates its 40th Anniversary this month, testimonies like this could be multiplied a million times over.

"If I could do one thing before my life is through," says Founding Pastor, Robert H. Schuller, "I would sit down with you—one on one—and tell you the countless ways the Hour of Power has changed lives."

What makes it possible for the Hour of Power to sustain this kind of human impact and be the fourth longest-running weekly program in television history? "The Eagles Club has long been the solid foundation of the Hour of Power" states Dr. Schuller. "Nearly one-third of our operating budget is funded by their combined annual pledge. These faithful givers have seen us through many financially challenging times." Because of our Eagles Club, nearly 20 million persons hear the UP!lifting, HOPE-filled, healing message of God's love every week.

Never has America and the world needed the televised Hour of Power more. And never has the Eagles Club been more important to the Hour of Power than in 2010. Last year's economic free-fall greatly affected this ministry. (Insufficient funding as has recently forced the Hour of Power off the air on stations in twelve major U.S. cities: Madison, Wisconsin; Tucson, Arizona; Wichita, Kansas; Kansas City, Missouri; Dayton, Ohio; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Monterey, California; Cincinnati, Ohio; Orlando, Florida; and Bingham, New York; Traverse City, Michigan; Spokane, Washington.) Yet, in spite of these losses and a substantial drop in revenue during 2009, our faithful Eagles Club members kept us alive, and the despairing hearts of many were lifted as gifts gave wings to the Hour of Power.