
Crystal Cathedral

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Articles from the Hour of Power's monthly publication called, Powerlines. To see the PDF version or to view older issues you can visit the Powerlines archive.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The PSALMS . . . timeless, affirming encouragement for ALL ages.

By Jim Coleman,
Crystal Cathedral Creative Director

I was sitting in church recently listening to Dr. Robert H. Schuller read the morning scripture. In the opening sentence from Psalm 18:2 he emphasized, as only Dr. Schuller can, "The Lord is my rock!" At that moment, a tiny girl sitting behind me on her mother's lap repeated aloud, "My rock!" She spoke in a childlike yet loud and firm tone. As I turned around to look at the toddler, her mother and I exchanged smiles. Then, towards the end of the reading, when Dr. Schuller said it once again, the little voice behind me repeated the words, "My rock!" I heard her say those words a couple more times during the hour-long service. It was amazing... and a marvelous illustration of how impressionable our minds are and how important it is to fill up our hearts and our heads with positive spiritual values.

Can you imagine the difference it might make in your life if you heard Dr. Robert H. Schuller reading the Psalms in your home, car, or office every day? Maybe you, like this little girl, would discover the positive value of repeating and embracing the timeless, affirming encouragement given to us by God through the Bible in the life-enhancing book of Psalms.

Across the country in Pennsylvania another viewer wrote, "I don't know where
to begin to thank you for the Hour of Power. I often feel depressed, but when I listen to your program I am always strengthened and find the courage to press on. Your music and weekly speakers are wonderful!"

A viewer from Germany wrote, "Your program has helped me a lot when faced with difficult times in the past. I watch Hour of Power on TV and watched it on DVDs as well. While your ministry is facing difficult times, I'm praying for you. I would like to thank you and your staff for the good work."

Yet another viewer wrote, "The statement, 'You saved my life,' greatly applies to me. I can never thank you and God enough for your Hour of Power television ministry. I have been watching your program since I was 24 years old; I am now 54. I can't imagine my life without you."

As you can see from these comments, the Hour of Power is a powerful source of God-inspired hope and encouragement to persons everywhere . . . it's a power-line on a power-pole positively charged with spiritual energy for your soul and millions of others, as well.

Just as the Hour of Power positively charges your life, so too, your financial gifts recharge this ministry . . . making it possible for the Hour of Power to stay on the air. Without you, the power would be cut and the Hour of Power would not continue its 40-year+ commitment to being a power-line of positive faith.

Yes, you are important to this world-televised ministry. We know times are tough so, this month, we've put together a special hope-generating gift just for you. We have created, for the first time in our 40-year television history, an audio CD that features Dr. Robert H. Schuller reading the Psalms from the pulpit of the Crystal Cathedral. A graduate of Princeton Seminary once said that Dr. Schuller sets the model for the powerful presentation of scripture reading. So, we have taken 26 Psalms, all read by Dr. Schuller, and put them on a 74-minute CD just for you to listen to morning, noon and night . . . over and over and over again. Hear the true power, the true hope, the true timeless and encouraging gift of God as communicated in the cherished pages of the Bible in the Psalms.

Please write, call, or go online today to request and receive the inspiration of Dr. Robert H. Schuller reading the Psalms. Include as generous a gift as you possibly can so, together, we will keep the power of the Hour of Power positively charged and sending out to you God's spiritual energy, truth, and love!