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Articles from the Hour of Power's monthly publication called, Powerlines. To see the PDF version or to view older issues you can visit the Powerlines archive.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
In God We Trust
When all else fails...when people and circumstances disappoint us and/or let us down...this truth remains:
With its 42-year history of creating unique and inspiring gift items to motivate and inspire persons everywhere, the Hour of Power television ministry offers to you today a one-of-a-kind jewelry item, four words, one timeless sentence forming a cross.
Yes, you can receive this unique cross TODAY. Your IN GOD WE TRUST cross is plated in silver, and looks like the very popular white gold. However, most importantly, the MESSAGE of this cross... IN GOD WE TRUST...will inspire attention from anyone who sees it and reads it whenever it is worn. There is no other cross like it...ANYWHERE.
And, when you write (or call, or go online) to request your IN GOD WE TRUST’ll also receive a free IN GOD WE TRUST “mini poster” (5” x 7”)—just the right size to be seen and read, but not too big for your desk, countertop, or bookshelf.
Click here to receive these two IN GOD WE TRUST items at this important time.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Surely Goodness and Mercy
WHEN WE WERE CHILDREN, WE ALWAYS HAD dinner together around the family table. Dad would conclude the dinner with a short devotional and then we were encouraged to sing a song as a family, and Dad always encouraged us to sing it with gusto! So we sang, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever, and I shall feast at the table spread for me...surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life!"
It was many years later that it dawned on me that these were the words of Psalm 23. And what a promise was burned into my memory from a young age-that goodness and mercy would follow me-all the days of my life.
I have seen that goodness exists hand in hand with mercy. God's mercy, God's forgiveness, God's unconditional love-IS goodness. Too often, we become disenchanted with God and think He has not heard our prayers, or hasn't been paying attention because nothing is going right. In other words, nothing is going according to our plans. And so we are discouraged, floundering, even facing a faith crisis. Where is God when we need Him?
Goodness is not what happens to us. Goodness is responding positively to whatever happens to us-no matter how difficult it may be. Goodness is viewing every problem as an opportunity to see God's mercy at work.
Would you like to be able to say that goodness and mercy have followed you every day of your life? The Lord is your Shepherd and, as you follow Him, goodness and mercy will follow you. If you stumble and fall, He will pick you up and you will experience goodness and mercy. If you take your eyes off Him and stray from His path, He will search for you and find you and you will see goodness and mercy displayed. If you are attacked and hurt, He will rescue you, deliver you, and heal your wounds. May goodness and mercy follow you-every day of your life-until you dwell in the house of the Lord forever! What a promise!
Claim it!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Beyond the Hour of Power: Helping the Lost Find New Horizons
By James Richards, Crystal Cathedral Commissioned Pastor
When I was at the lowest point in my life, I turned the television set on, and I heard a chap named Dr. Robert H. Schuller saying, “Tough times never last, but tough people do!” I thought, wow, I need to hear that message. And I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. The first thing my wife, Yvonne, and I did was to join the church in 1994, and were immediately encouraged to get involved in leadership, and I was eventually ordained as a pastor.
Someone in the church came to us and asked us if we could help some people in Pakistan who needed Bibles. We found that, not only did these people need Bibles, they needed help to form a church. In this process, we discovered that millions of people in Pakistan are trapped in degrading poverty, and that the number one reason is illiteracy. So, besides starting our first church, we started our first school. And all of it happened through our Crystal Cathedral New Horizons fellowship (, which has helped to provide in rural Pakistan the following and more:
Seven churches with more than 3,000 Crystal Cathedral members on fire for Jesus Christ. Plus, hundreds of Bibles distributed and a Bible course for non-Christians created.
- Five schools with 600 students and nearly 400 students sponsored ($59 per student) to attend state-run schools, with the first 80 graduated.
- Emergency medical treatment for many and 400 children immunized. Many widows and orphans are fed each month, clean tap water is now brought to villages, and electricity is connected.
- Goat & Sewing Ministries launched through micro-loans, and a Computer Training Center is planned.
So, we continue the message of the Hour of Power that "God loves you and so do I." We're seeing the difference and it's growing…and growing…and growing!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lost? God Always Seeks! And Always Finds!
By Sheila Schuller Coleman
It was opening day for Little League. Jim had taken two of our sons, and I was supposed to meet him with the other two at the ballpark. As team mother, I was expected to head the snack shack that Saturday morning. So, after rounding up the myriad uniform pieces for three of our four sons, I dashed out of the house-late as usual.
It took some time for me to get the snack shack up and running, but eventually I had time to break away and see how my sons' opening games were going. I crossed the large expanse of park that housed six baseball fields, looking for my husband. Spotting him, I ran up to him and immediately noticed he didn't have
Nick, our four-year-old, with him.
"Nicky? I don't have Nicky. You have Nicky."
"Me? No, I don't! You have him, don't you...?"
Suddenly, we looked at each other in horror as the realization of what we had done hit us. "He's home alone!"
Jim ran to the car. It would take him another fifteen minutes to get home. I
couldn't believe that we had made such a terrible mistake! When he drove into the garage, he saw Nick wandering around the backyard, his hands cupped to the windows. Locked out, he looked longingly into his house, muttering to himself, "I can't believe they left me home alone."
Jim swept him up into his arms. "I'm home, Nick! Are you all right?""Yes. I knew you'd come back for me."
When lost, do you KNOW that Jesus will come back and find you? Think how panicked we were as parents to realize we had left our 4-year-old son home alone for so long. How much more God cares about us when we have lost our way, lost our joy, lost our desire, lost our enthusiasm, lost our passion for our dreams, even lost our faith in Him-if even for a brief time.
Lost? KNOW God loves you as surely as Nicky knew we would come back for him! God always seeks! And He always finds! Lost? God Always Seeks! And Always Finds!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Lost Has Been Found!
Legend tells us that the beautiful Helen of Troy, over whom many battles were fought, was lost after one of the battles. When the army returned to Greece, Helen was not on any of the ships. Menelaus, at great personal peril, searched for her and finally found her in one of the seaport villages.
She had been suffering from amnesia. Forgetting who she was, she had stooped to the lowest possible level and was living as a prostitute. Menelaus found her in rags, dirt, shame, and dishonor. He looked at her and called, "Helen!" Her head turned, and he said, "You are Helen of Troy!" With those words, her head lifted and her back straightened into a posture of one who knows her worth. She had been redeemed!
You may be deflated and dishonored in your own eyes because you don't realize who you are. You are a member of the royal family. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you are a member of the family of God. You are no longer a lost soul. You have been forgiven and have recovered your honor!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Love Letters from the Bible...
As we celebrate "LOVE" this month, it's always wonderful to refresh our souls with God's word on the subject. Here are just a few of the nearly 400 scriptures (these from the New Living Translation) that give us just a glimpse at God's wisdom and truth on the subject of LOVE…
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices
whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
"Jesus replied, 'The most important commandment is this: …The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.'"
"So now I (Jesus) am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should LOVE each other."
"We LOVE Him, because He first loved us."
"Dear children, let's not merely say that we LOVE each other; let us show the truth by our actions."
"There is no greater LOVE than to lay down one's life for one's friends."
"Your LOVE for one another will prove to the world that you are my (Jesus') disciples."
"Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and LOVE-and the greatest of these is LOVE."
Monday, February 7, 2011
LOVE - The Gift That Keeps on Giving
What is the secret of real joy? Christians know the answer—it's the love that bubbles up from deep within your heart and soul when you tear yourself loose from selfishness and bear the burdens of someone else, caring enough to share yourself with that person. Then love activates and gives you the results of joy.
So, LOVE is, indeed, the secret to real joy.
Each of us distinguishes ourselves as individuals. Some have special talents. Others attract friends easily. Still others accomplish amazing achievements. But Christians should all be distinguished by the love they give away. It should burst forth with such enthusiasm that it could never be hidden. It should be patient, kind, trustworthy, persevering.
You won't even have to tell people that you love Jesus Christ. You won't be able to keep it secret, because love will give you away!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Patience of the Eagle
"LOVE IS PATIENT..." These are the first three words of the Apostle Paul's universally known "Love Chapter" in the Bible…included in his first letter to believers of Jesus Christ living in Corinth. "Love is patient."
Throughout our lives, patience seems to be demanded of us almost constantly: Patience with our children…patience with our aging parents…patience with family members…patience with automated phone systems... patience with a boss or employee(s). This list is long-maybe even endless.
The noble eagle, God's wondrous creation, displays for us a perfect example of patience. The eagle patiently soars above the earth…relaxed, no wing movement, just riding on air currents. It patiently focuses on its search for food. No rush—this glorious creature knows its meal is there - God's plan always provides.
Then, suddenly, he spots it…in an instant, without hesitation, he responds and dives rapidly to claim the prize provided. Knowing when to take action is as important as the patience required in waiting for the moment to do so.
"Love is patient," but it also knows when it's time to take action! Currently, Dr. Schuller and Pastor Sheila are seeking members for the 2011 Eagles Club - persons who pledge to give $50 a month for 12 months... or, a one-time gift of $600. If you love Hour of Power, then please respond - take action - today. Trust God for the resources to do so... but make the commitment to join the 2011 Eagles Club, now.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Big Thank You!
BECAUSE OF YOU... the 40-year televised Hour of Power survived 2010.
Along with millions of Americans, persons all around the world and businesses everywhere, the Hour of Power weathered the 12 financially turbulent months of 2010... and, SURVIVED, to begin another year of positive, powerful, life-changing ministry. It would not have happened without YOU!
Leading up to and through 2010, Crystal Cathedral Ministries leadership made deep cuts including over 100 staff positions and most of the local broadcast stations. By year's end, nearly all staff members were doing the jobs of two or three people and volunteers stepped in to help, as well, while revenues continued to be reduced by over 30% compared with the previous year.
But, YOU WERE THERE! YOU saved the day, so the Hour of Power could begin its 41st Anniversary Year! What a life-saving gift you have given to millions of people everywhere. Thank you!
A Legacy Story: Stan Petersen
Stan Petersen, a beautiful Christian man with the twinkle of Jesus Christ in his eyes, passed away March 8, 2010. He left a legacy of love and support by including Crystal Cathedral Ministries in his estate plans.
Stan looked forward to watching the Hour of Power every Sunday with his dearest friend, Darlene LaJune.
"Stan was so uplifted by the music and sermons," said Darlene. "Even when faced with the possibility of a terminal illness, Stan held strong in his faith. When reassured that everything would turn out okay no matter what because God loves him, Stan confidently replied, 'I know it. God is good.'"
Create a Big Affect Through Generous Giving...
To encourage future generations in a BIG way, you can leave a legacy through a final will and estate gift to the Crystal Cathedral/Hour of Power. For more information, go to Legacy Gifts at the Crystal Cathedral website.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
From the Heart: B.I.G. Faith
It is no secret that I love to bake. One of my family's favorite desserts is a mile-high apple pie that has 14 Granny Smith apples in it. I have one recipe that is Dad's favorite-it has triple the cinnamon. It is one BIG pie! Why bake a wimpy pie when you can bake a mountain-sized pie? Sure, it takes more work, but the effort is worth it. I love to hear the oohs and aahs-and see the children's eyes open wide when the giant, golden pie is cut and topped with scoops of rich, vanilla ice cream.
There is a sense of accomplishment and pride in a job well done, but most of all, there's the satisfaction that I've been able to bring joy and happy memories to my family.
But some may say, "Why make it so big?" "Why buy so many apples-for just one pie-when less than half that amount would do?" "Why make such a BIG mess in the kitchen?" "Why make one BIG pie when you could make three average-sized pies for the same amount of time and expense?
Well, why not? Why not dream BIG? Why not practice BIG thinking? Why not exercise BIG faith? Yes-there is a risk of failure. Yes-there is a risk of embarrassment. And the bigger the dream, the bigger the risk-the bigger the faith that is needed.
These days, gigantic faith is needed. We need Believe-In-a-big-God Faith. So, I ask you, how BIG is your God? Is He BIG enough to part rivers? Is He BIG enough to still the storm? Is He BIG enough to birth new stars every day? Is He BIG enough to carve grand canyons? Is He BIG enough to do something BIG in you?
Yes! Yes! Yes! God can and God will do BIG things through you!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Think Bigger!
By Robert H. Schuller
"God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask, seek, or think." -Ephesians 3:20
A man was fishing off a pier one day. Each time he'd catch a fish, he'd measure it with a little ruler he pulled from his tackle box. If it was ten inches or less, he threw it in a bucket to take home. If it was more than ten inches long, he threw it back into the sea.
Another man sitting nearby thought this guy was crazy for throwing back the bigger fish. He finally asked, "Excuse me, but why do you throw back the big ones and keep only the little fish?
The fisherman said, "Well, it's simple-my frying pan's only ten inches across!"
Now, you may laugh at that response, but the news I have for you is this-you and I are that fisherman! We're that fisherman whenever we throw away dreams that seem too big to accomplish. When God sends dreams our way, if they're small enough, we grab hold, but if they're too big and we're sure they're impossible, we don't follow them in fear of failure. In the process, we turn our backs on some of the greatest opportunities that life-and God-will ever give us.
God is going to stretch your arms today. God is going to stretch your dreams right now. God is going to allow you to think bigger even though it's risky because God's ideas are always impossible when we first get them. It's His way of ensuring that He's a part of it, knowing that we can't pull it off without Him.
So I ask you to pray this prayer today:
Dear God help me to catch the dream even if it's bigger and more uncertain than any dream I've dreamt before. Help me to think bigger. Walk with me and let's make it happen. Let's be in the miracle-making business, God, You and me, together. Amen.