
Crystal Cathedral

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Articles from the Hour of Power's monthly publication called, Powerlines. To see the PDF version or to view older issues you can visit the Powerlines archive.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lost Has Been Found!

By Robert H. Schuller

Legend tells us that the beautiful Helen of Troy, over whom many battles were fought, was lost after one of the battles. When the army returned to Greece, Helen was not on any of the ships. Menelaus, at great personal peril, searched for her and finally found her in one of the seaport villages.

She had been suffering from amnesia. Forgetting who she was, she had stooped to the lowest possible level and was living as a prostitute. Menelaus found her in rags, dirt, shame, and dishonor. He looked at her and called, "Helen!" Her head turned, and he said, "You are Helen of Troy!" With those words, her head lifted and her back straightened into a posture of one who knows her worth. She had been redeemed!

You may be deflated and dishonored in your own eyes because you don't realize who you are. You are a member of the royal family. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you are a member of the family of God. You are no longer a lost soul. You have been forgiven and have recovered your honor!